AI Chatbot Learning Management System

Our learning platform provides nursing staff with interactive modules, all delivered through a chatbot interface. Unlike traditional learning methods, our approach focuses on engaging conversations, creating a dynamic and effective learning experience for the users.

Organizations have the flexibility to deploy the learning platform based on their specific needs:
Separate Instances: Each customer can have individual instances and database models, ensuring a customized experience.
Common Database: Alternatively, a shared database model can be implemented for a more consolidated approach.

We believe that our interactive learning platform has the potential to transform the way healthcare professionals acquire knowledge, ultimately leading to a positive impact on patient care.

Interactive Learning: Engaging chatbot-driven modules for effective and personalized learning.

Frontend: React, React-Native
Backend: Java, NodeJs

Our solution will be available as a mobile application for mobile end users, distributed through the Google & Apple Stores. The Web Application are deployed directly on AWS, allowing us to share the subscription-based CMS link for access.

This platform aims to elevate healthcare standards by equipping nursing and medical staff with the necessary knowledge and procedures, contributing to improved patient care and overall efficiency.

Sr. Document Name Description Download Updated on
1 AI Chatbot Learning Management System Our learning platform provides nursing staff with interactive modules, all delivered through a chatbot interface. 30 January 2024
2 AI Chatbot Learning Management System Case Study Case Study 30 January 2024